19th Hole Casino & Lounge
2746 W. Tregallas Rd. Antioch CA | (925) 757-6545

Played in a $25 buy-in tournament this week. Two additional $10 buy-ins put me in the game $45. After the other players were eliminated another player and I chopped the $400 pot. I got $170. After dealer tip, beer and a Makers Mark, I came home with $105 more than what I went in with. I call that entertaining.
Play poker today in a live money game. No need to visit Reno or Tahoe to get your poker on.
Play $3-$6 & No-Limit TEXAS HOLD'EM 7 days a week!
Happy Hour 7 days a week 4-7 PM. Domestic Beer Pints $2.75 - Premiums $3.75.
Bloody Mary Pints $3.50 - Fri. & Sat., until 2 PM
Free Roll Tournaments this Sat & Sun @ 12 PM.

Cap's Bar & Grill
144 Oak St., Brentwood, CA | (925) 634-1025

Cap's is a great place to eat.
Did I mention you can enjoy a flambe dessert prepared table side? Impressive AND it tastes gooood too.
For memorable Holiday Party's, Corporate Celebrations, & Wedding Parties

Celia's Mexican Restaurant
523 W. 10th St., Antioch | (925) 754-1355

Mariachi San Miguel every Thursday starting at 6 PM.

I Got Lucky At The Riverview Lodge Saturday.
I was downtown and bam there it was. The cargo ship PONTVTREMON turning around in front of the Riverview Lodge in Antioch. Recently it's been to China, Panama, Ukraine and Saudi Arabia and now it's in Pittsburg & Antioch. I have to stop every time I see something like this. I would like to know when this is going to happen 24 hours in advance. This way I can get a stool on the rail at the Riverview Lodge and have some lunch or dinner and watch the whole thing right in from me. It all happens in about 30 minutes. It's pretty amazing actually. You can't see this in Kansas. It another reason to love living in East County, ship watching. I'm working on being able to schedule it Marine Traffic.
Larger Photo | Tug 1 | Tug 2
Harvest Park Bowl
5000 Balfour Rd., Brentwood | (925) 516-1221

Brentwood Rocks, Spring Break & More
PBA Senior Classic coming soon.
See what's going on in the Spare Time Lounge
Snack Bar Menu.
The most fun you can have in Brentwood!!!!!!
Fun 7 days a week!

Used Truck For Sale Byron
I stumbled across this photo the other day. It was taken by a Brentwood photographer. Sorry I can't give them a proper photo credit because I can't find my notes, duh. If I see it again I'll make it right. Nice photo. See in HD
Lone Tree Golf & Event Center
4800 Golf Course Rd. Antioch | (925) 706-4220

Friday, Titleist Demo, Guitar, Range & BBQ Night $10
Tonight Music By The Green featuring Felipe Gutierrez
Family Buffet Night Wed Apr 6th, Mexican Food Menu, Homemade Chips, Salsa Bar, Chicken Mole, Steak Fajitas, Chile Rellenos, Chile Verde, Salads, Desserts and more. Adults $14.95, Kids 4-10 $8.95; Under 4 FREE, starts at 5 PM see entire MENU
Ladies lessons and golf clinics forming now at Lone Tree. Call pro shop for details (925) 706-4220.
Family Golf IS quality time.
Saturday breakfasts, Sunday brunch, Happy Hour Snack menu, very nice.
Lone Tree Catering department handled more than 300 banquets last year. Also, they will cook (for your event) and you can pick up. They also cook, deliver, setup, serve and cleanup. How accommodating is that? Call catering (925) 706-4232.

Mac's Old House Restaurant
3100 E. 18th St., Antioch | (925) 778-1700

Prime Rib dinners served 7 days a week! Homemade Minestrone Soup, Salad, Pasta, Vegetables, Hot Baked French Bread & Butter... $12.95
LUNCHES start at $4.95 at Mac's.
Full bar singles $2.50; doubles $3.00; triples $3.50
Read our latest reviews.
Open 7 Days a week Mon-Fri 11-10 PM; Sat & Sun 4-10 PM.

Providence Bar & Eatery
2085 Main St., Oakley | (925) 625-0292

Today @ 4 PM Rib or Tri Tip Dinners from $10. BBQ Oysters 2 for $5, $3 Draft Beers.
Just want a few cocktails and some snacks? Bar Menu
Casual dining, burgers, pasta's, salads and the best shakes in town. Full bar! These folks can cook.
Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner 7 days.

Marvin Comstock Played Baskeball For The 1949 Panthers?
I was stunned going through a 1949 Antioch Panther yearbook and seeing Coach Atkinson and Marvin Comstock (both in the Antioch Sports Legends Museum). Now for you kids too young to know, Coach Comstock, beat the Pittsburg Pirates football team 10 years straight in the 1970's. But what I did not know was that Coach Comstock was a student too at Antioch High School too. He appears to be undersized for basketball but I bet he made up for it in heart.
The Antioch Historical Museum, 1500 W. 4th St., Antioch. Open 1PM - 4 PM every Weds & Sat. Admission is free. Are you interested in local history? Do you have old photos or artifact you'd like to share? Would you like to host an event on the museum grounds? Kitchen, BBQ, and banquet room available. Make your next special event historical. Contact the museum (925) 757-1326. Check out antiochsportslegends.com "Where Antioch Heroes Live."
Antioch 325-0934

My promise to you, visitors and subscribers, is to work to improve your experience @ EastCountyLive.com and Spotlight newsletter every week. The best websites continue to add quality content regularly. The driver for the relaunch of EastCountyLive.com is the smart phone. Nearly 50% of our viewers are on smart phones. These sites all work well on a phone too... Mac'sOldHouse.com; Cap'sRestaurant.com; 19thHoleAntioch.com; If you're ready to go Mobile friendly (for all devices) on your website let's talk about it. Custom programming (so you can have it your way), fully responsive web sites only. Let's talk, if we agree the world is round, we'll work out the details. Yes, we can add a custom CMS (content management system). This allows owners and user to make everyday changes (no looking for a website manager). If these are features you like, give me a call - Frank MacCallister (925) 325-0934.

Community Events Calendar
Mad About Mozart Sat Apr 2nd
El Campanil @ 2:00 PM
More Info
Upcoming Events
Mariachi San Miguel | Kamikaze Karaoke | Music on the Green | Titleist BBQ | Rock The Chalk | Mad About Mozart | Erik Awesome Alston Comedy | Free Fishing Clinic | Brentwood Farmers Market | Antioch Speedway | Historic Homes Tour | Showcase Health & Beauty | Stump Trivia | Mexican Buffet | Progressive Bingo | Kiwanis Annual Tri Tip Dinner
Coupons To Local Businesses

Looking for coupons? See the new coupon page. This is going to be a focus in the weeks ahead. Watch this page grow. More Automotive, Business Services, Dining & Entertainment, Health & Beauty, Home & Garden coupons to local businesses in Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley and Pittsburg. Newest coupon

Tricia Piquero, Publisher, 110 & 85 Degree Magazine's
I invited Tricia to join me for lunch the other day and see Antioch's newest restaurant Pete's. She ordered some sort of Ahi Tuna Salad. Now I'm able to show you something other than beer and flatbread pizza. Thanks for coming over. It's always a pleasure to see you.
Next SPOTLIGHT Thursday 4/7/2016